6535 N Olmsted Ave. 
Chicago, IL. 60631
phone: 773/267-5858
fax: 773/267-8805

Carpenters Local 58

Scholarship Information

Ted Kenney - George Vest, Jr. Scholarship
Provides financial support to college-bound children of members of local unions affiliated with the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters.  

Applications become available in April and are due in July. 
For an application and additional information contact Local 58.

CISCO Scholarships
The Construction Industry Services Corporation (CISCO) has three (3) scholarship programs available.

Three (3) four-year $2,000.00 per year scholarships will be awarded each year to high school seniors;
 Two (2) two-year awards of $1,000.00 per year for seniors planning to attend community college; and
 Two (2) two-year continuing education awards of $1,000.00 per year to adult union members or contractor employees affiliated with CISCO.

Applications become available in October and are due in February. 
For an application and additional information contact www.cisco.org/scholarships/ or call CISCO @ 630-472-9411.

Chicago Federation of Labor - William A. Lee Memorial Scholarship

The Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL) offers ten (10) scholarships to high school seniors.  
Five (5) scholarships in the amount of $2,000; and 
Five (5) random drawing scholarships in the amount of $2,000 
to students graduating from a Chicago or suburban area high school. Students may only apply in one of the two categories. The applicant and his/her parent must be a member in good standing of a union affiliated the CFL.

Applications become available in December and are due in February.  
For an application and additional information contact William A. Lee Memorial Scholarship